Murphy is not against you

Day 44: Remember that time you were stuck in the traffic jam and the left lane was moving faster? Of course, you were in the right lane. Or that time that you were standing in line at the grocery store and the lady in front of you had to make a big deal about the torn package on her toilet paper, and the cashier had to go find a pristine package of charming ultra soft toilet paper. Remember that? I’m sure you do. We always remember the time karma, or luck, just ran over us with a cargo train.

We call it many names: karma, luck, African voodoo (no offense meant whatsoever), and Murphy’s law. Who is this Murphy and why did he have to go and write that stupid, unnecessary law?

If anything can go wrong, it will. (Read: story of my life.) Such a pessimistic outlook could save you from disappointments or just make your life a whole lot more depressing. It originated at an Air Force base when an engineer with the last name Murphy blamed someone for a blown up transducer with the words “If there is any way to do it wrong, he’ll find it.” Someone wrote this down naming it “Murphy’s law” and it stuck.

Of course this mentality is a lot older than Murphy and the US and even “modern society.” In fact since laws can only be discovered and not created, it must be that Murphy’s Law originated with the human civilization itself.

Murphy is not against you. The law affects everyone and even has the potential to help. Planning with the Murphy’s Law in mind can help you avoid major problems and have solutions to nearly anything that may occur in the process. Over preparing has always been the key. Remember, when you take an umbrella with you, it will never rain. So over prepare for life. Make plans, and follow through with them. And if that lady buying toilet paper is frustrating you, just think of how frustrated she must be for having to settle for the torn package of toilet paper because it is the last one in the whole store.


Murphy’s Law

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